Welcome to the FIDELIS, the first cryptocurrency for Loyalty Programs!
The world is experiencing a revolution that began timidly in 2009 with the
operationalization of the Blockchain concept and the BITCOIN cryptocurrency, a
revolution that has been gaining more strength every day
In a few years, the individual who is not included in the world of cryptocurrencies,
who does not have at least a basic knowledge of how a decentralized economy works,
who does not know how to operate with exchanges, wallets and different tokens,
may be considered old before the age of 40
This economic and financial revolution will have such deep roots that it will affect the
economies of countries, with banking systems, with the commercial relationship of
individuals with each other and of individuals with material things
The world of cryptocurrencies is still far from interacting effectively with traditional
economics. Few companies risk accepting crypto-assets as a form of payment. For
this reason, individuals still do not feel the need to understand the world of
cryptocurrencies as seriously as it deserves
The FIDELIS platform and the FIDELIS token (FDLS or Φ), which we present below, are
contributions to bring these two worlds, which are currently distant, closer together.
With the FIDELIS Platform, the individual who participates in loyalty programs will
have the opportunity to understand the practical meaning of this new digital
economy and, also, to benefit from it.
FIDELIS is a Latin word meaning “Worthy of Faith”. The Symbol representing the
FIDELIS fungible token is the capital Greek letter PHI (Φ).
Nowadays, cryptocurrencies are mostly speculative assets similar to traditional
corporate stocks. Just as a company’s shares are assets that can be exchanged for
money (fiduciary) with some ease, cryptocurrencies also have this characteristic of
being exchangeable for fiduciary money or other cryptocurrencies, given their high
With few exceptions, cryptocurrencies do not buy anything at all, without before
undergoing a cash conversion.
The Fidelis Platform and the FIDELIS Token (FDLS, Φ) are part of a solution to bring
together the most diverse Rewards Programs (Loyalty Programs) under the same
protocol, with blockchain security and support for Smart Contracts) as BSC (Binance
Smart Chain).
Through the FIDELIS platform, companies will be able to develop their Loyalty
Programs in a safe environment, with lower operating costs and with the benefit of
being able to promote their products to customers of various other reward programs.
The FIDELIS token will be equivalent to the points or cashbacks of traditional rewards
programs, with the advantage of never expiring and having the possibility of
valuation, which benefits both the customer and the company that participates in the
With this, the cryptocurrency loses an important function: that of reaching the pocket
of the common person, and no longer offers its most important attribute, which is
the guarantee of good protection against devaluation and likely an intrinsic valuation,
since the supply of most cryptocurrencies is limited and therefore deflationary.
Thus, the problem that we intend to solve with the FIDELIS Platform is the gulf
between the common and current person and the world of decentralized economy
represented by cryptocurrencies.
For a cryptocurrency to have a practical dimension that allows its use in the
acquisition of goods and services, it is necessary and sufficient that companies :
1) Offer products for people to purchase
2) Accept direct payment with the cryptocurrency without conversion into fiat
But, in order to operate in the Crypto World, it is necessary for the individual to
become familiar with current concepts such as Exchanges, wallets, currency swaps
and other terms that are still obscure to most people
Definitely, the average person is very far from this world because he is not needed at
all. He receives his remuneration in fiat money, the goods and services he buys are
also expressed in fiat money, if he wants to keep his money in a "safe" place, he
opens a bank account and deposits his money and still, he has the possibility of
applying it and obtaining a financial income that gives you the impression that its
amount is growing
When an airline’s Loyalty Program says: Buy 10,000 miles for $300.00, it is saying that
the MILE$ currency is equivalent to $0.30 in cash. The airline accepts the MILES that
are in an account of the loyalty client (Wallet), withdraws the amount in MILE$ and
delivers a company product to the client (a segment, a complete trip, a tour package,
a hotel discount, etc.). The Loyalty Program is the Exchange, the Client’s account is his
Wallet and MILES are the (crypto)currency (non-inflationary). And the airline is the
trade that makes it possible to purchase tickets (goods) without the need to use
fiduciary money
Customers understand perfectly how a Loyalty Program works, they accept that the
Program holds their MILE$, that is, they accept that the Program behaves like an
Exchange, they accept to have their own account, that is, they accept to have a wallet
containing their currencies, the MILE$; and agree to exchange their MILE$ for a
product of that company. And this is all done naturally
In this way, we believe that the Fidelidade Programs are the ideal vehicle for the
world of cryptocurrencies to make complete sense in people’s minds and for a
smooth landing in the traditional economy. All that remains is the task of
incorporating small changes, many of which are just nomenclature in the existing
Loyalty Programs, so that people and companies can quickly accept them.
The FIDELIS Platform will be the place where the rewards programs that join will be
located and FIDELIS (FDLS) will be the decentralized currency, with non-inflationary
attributes, with indeterminate validity, with which the customer can earn rewards in
one or more Loyalty Programs belonging to the FIDELIS Platform.
The Fidelis Platform is the space in which the FIDELIS Ecosystem will operate. The
FIDELIS ecosystem has two Habitats. One of the habitats we’ll call the LOYALTY
PROGRAMS ACCOUNT. There will be the accounts of the companies that adhere to
the FIDELIS Platform and the loyalty clients of these companies. The other habitat
will be the FREE MARKET account, within which the free purchases and sales of
FIDELIS tokens will take place, following the laws of supply and demand, similar to
how any cryptocurrency works today. Although these are two defined habitats, they
have a certain communicability.
In the LOYALTY PROGRAMS habitat, partner companies will offer rewards to their
loyalty customers in the System Marketplace, which is the virtual place where all
partner companies offer their rewards. For a customer to be entitled to a reward, he
will have to purchase the products offered on the Marketplace with his FIDELIS.
Partner companies can choose between offering rewards only to their loyalty
customers or they can open up for other customers to purchase their products, even
outside of their rewards programs.
For the partner company, it may be interesting to open purchases to customers of
out of its Loyalty Program for two reasons:
1) Increase the number of customers.
2) Promote a differentiated product or service, increasing its dissemination and,
therefore, its sale.
All customers who exchange FIDELIS for goods or services on the Marketplace will do
so in a DECENTRALIZED (DeFi) manner
The FIDELIS Ecosystem is designed to make the Free MARKET Account increasingly
1) For a company, the main objective of maintaining a loyalty and rewards program is
to retain their customers and attract new customers by offering their products on the
marketplace in exchange for FIDELIS. These FIDELIS arising from these exchanges
belong to the Loyalty Programs account of the FIDELIS Platform.
2) A loyalty client of the partner company that has integration of its point of sale with
the FIDELIS Platform can exchange their FIDELIS earned in the Program on the LIVRE
MARKET. For this you must have your Wallet available and request the sending of
your FIDELIS. The sale on LIVRE MARKET will suffer a discount of 35% (thirty-five
percentage points)* and can only be made in the modality Peer-to-Peer for holders
previously registered on the Platform.
3) The partner company can purchase FIDELIS on the FREE MARKET at market price as
well as its loyal customers.
*The Board of Holders decided, in a vote held on July 17, 2021, to change the
discount percentage from 25% to 35%.
The valuation of a cryptocurrency depends on several factors, mainly
1) Increase in the percentage of coins held by HOLDERS in relation to the total issue.
2) Interest that the currency arouses in the Market.
3) Decrease in the volume of coins in your ECOSYSTEM, mainly in the FREE MARKET
4) Robust and Consistent Design.
5) Energy spent for mining and for transactions.
6) Consistent Marketing Campaigns to attract more Partner Companies, Loyalty
Customers and Holders.
Bitcoin and Doge are two examples of coins that from time to time rise dramatically,
Bitcoin due to its popularity and also the large number of coins concentrated in
holders: it is estimated that more than 87% of coins are owned by less than 0.5% of
The Doge values becoming famous when a personality tweets insinuating support.
Doge is an infinitely-supplied coin that isn’t based on any useful design, but does
receive the benefits of fame.
But, every day, investors are trying to find out if there is
a project behind a currency, because in the absence of backing, a good project is a
guarantee of a long life and of progressive interest on the part of the population.
Let’s see what characteristics FIDELIS presents and what makes it have great
possibilities of valorization in the medium term.
The FIDELIS Ecosystem, as we have seen, is composed of two habitats:
1) The LOYALTY PROGRAM habitat, where corporate reward programs reside, is
FDLS moves slowly, only among its customers, through partner
Thus, the most likely is
that the FDLS circulating in this habitat will do so in controlled quantities and that
they will return to their own Loyalty Programs portfolio, closing a relatively tight
Loyalty client portfolios are holders by nature.
Of course it can and will happen that a certain number of FDLS escape from this
habitat to the FREE MARKET account, as happens today in frequent flyer programs in
which there are companies that exchange miles for fiduciary money, but loyalty
customers can only sell their FIDELIS, upon previous request, at a discount (a penalty
fee will be applied) and in a pool of Peer-to-Peer businesses.
This sustainability attribute, low energy consumption, is gaining strength among
consumers concerned about the burning of fossil fuels, which make up the main
energy matrix in the world, still.
The FIDELIS Ecosystem has very low energy consumption. To start with, the FIDELIS is
not mineable
Furthermore, the fact that an important number of transactions are carried out in the
virtual exchange of FDLS for goods reduces the total energy expended by the FIDELIS
Ecosystem substantially. This feature is every day more fundamental and helps in the
appreciation of the currency.
. Follow our Social Networks, Website and Telegram Group
https://fidelis.club e https://fideliscrypto.tech
Join our community on Social Networks and Telegram to stay up to date with updates
about the FIDELIS Project
We have recently seen a huge creation of new currencies, many of them simple scams
to take money from bona fide people.
The common denominator of these scams (also known as scams) is the anonymity of
their authors.We understand that it is a greater guarantee for the investor to know
who the people are who are behind the FIDELIS Project
. Project developers are:
.TOKEN CONTACT. 0x85cec9d09529c4239dcd89018889238abdd3ede6
Token Holders
CIRCULATING SUPPLY: 326.000.000 (32,93%)
TOTAL SUPPLY: 990.000.000
The Board of Holders is of crucial importance in the development of policies for the
administration, management and inspection of the LOYALTY PROGRAM and
By decision of the Board of Holders, the
initial accounts of LOYALTY PROGRAMS and MARKETING and DEVELOPMENT were
divided into smaller accounts.
PF0 - 0x10cff0b703656f33430438d8765573cb8e1c2e47
PF1 - 0xfD8bE0021729C9a558e82defF351cFf559bFA0c4
PF2 - 0xcF1A6DeEa7BdE0c541E374FF65f5422b372772F3
PF3 - 0x02A02b779Ce807c22D8692E7596aC0d883a98a5E
PF4 - 0xe2B74d8a167c099f2Dbde56586BA3564357C3fB3
PF5 - 0xB932e429f980E8095Df7E2340e15C25f62ba7038
PF6 - 0xFfDcC558F28ac88fEaE0F82f1668e23eeb31d550
PF7 - 0x64b114aC8a6EA52587439b3EEa48996E150E02a5
PF8 - 0x88b7Ca853fde174665627d731a2953dBBfBC283E
MKT0 - 0x92d1441c842a2817eac512642cc6bfd0e6feb314
MKT1 - 0x050ef9B5cf89cb9E4CAfc9dA297D7403e848B6F4
MKT2 - 0xEe303109e3706F6c0B06F7fd0Df12bDD362B47C5
MKT3 - 0xd691d98002A1bb432b722655680e04982ff8eC73
The movement of these accounts must strictly comply with the destination for which
they were created, namely:
LOYALTY PROGRAM Account – is the account that supports the distribution of
FIDELIS points among the participants of the companies' Loyalty Programs, and their
use by their holders for any other purpose, especially the sale of these tokens on the
Free Market, is expressly prohibited
MARKETING e DESENVOLVIMENTO account - is the account designed to promote all
types of Marketing actions, including, but not limited to, sponsored campaigns on
social networks, hiring influencers, broadcasting ads on radio, open and paid
television, merchandising in programs television, street advertising, newspaper
advertisements, etc
These marketing actions include hiring companies that promote indirect marketing
such as press relations, advice for listing on Centralized and Decentralized Exchanges,
hiring companies that provide liquidity, fundraising and growth for large exchanges.
The remuneration of marketing personnel, whether from an external agency or
internal department, will also be maintained by this account, whose hiring will also be
a matter of deliberation and decision of the Developers with the Board of Holders.
The MARKETING and DEVELOPMENT account will also be responsible for maintaining
the programming team and for creating updates, both for the Loyalty Programs
Platform and the White Paper, Roadmap, Contracts with companies and other
essential actions for the proper functioning of all instances of the Project
The remuneration of the Programming, Creation and Legal Department personnel
will be performed by the Marketing and Development Account, as well as support
staff such as administrative assistants, customer support, etc.
My contact information.
.Bitcointalk profile link. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3334704
POA LINK. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5382181.msg59071579#msg59071579
Twitter profile link. https://mobile.twitter.com/Tushar1234512
Telegram profile link. https://t.me/Crypto1003
Medium profile link. https://medium.com/Crypto
Blogger profile link. https://www.blogger.com/profile/15824139449019291843
Great project
ReplyDeleteNice project